Thursday, November 09, 2006

Search Engine Optimization - SEO Articles for Beginners

Search Engine Optimisation Search Engine Optimization
The following articles are meant to aid in the understanding of the basics of search engine optimization (SEO). The articles may also be re-published on other websites, newsletters, e-zines, or in print magazines as long as the authors are given appropriate credit and re-print guidelines are followed.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a website promotion strategy, the goal of which is to get your site to appear at the top of search engine results under keywords or phrases appropriate to your business. For example a site that sells CDs online will want to be found in major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, AltaVista and AOL under key phrases such as "online CDs," "buy CDs," or "CDs for sale."Below are examples of three major search engines and the types of search results that are attainable through search engine optimization. (Click on any of the images below to view the images in full size.)
Keyword Analysis & Meta Tags
Keyword Analysis - Article and guide on proper keyword analysis. Keyword analysis is the process of determining which search words and phrases are most likely to bring the greatest ROI.
Intro to Meta Tag Optimization - Introduction to Meta Tags with detailed descriptions, and tips on how to properly optimize the title, description, keywords and robots tags.
Advanced Meta tags - Guide to advanced Meta Tags covering HTTP-EQUIV tags, obscure tags, headers, character sets and content types.
Search Engine Optimization Tips
  • Use Keyword Rich Anchor Text
  • Use ALT Tags
  • Use Heading Tags
  • Use Bold and Italics
  • Use Correct File Names
  • Keywords in URL


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