Saturday, November 04, 2006

Keyword Analysis

Search Engine Optimisation

Keyword analysis also known as keyword research, keyword analysis utilizes a variety of search engine data to determine which search words and phrases are most likely to bring the greatest ROI to a given website.
A proper Keyword Analysis is always the first step to a solid search engine marketing campaign. The purpose of the analysis is to determine under which search terms your website should be marketed. There are several factors to consider during the keyword analysis process.

Keyword Phraseology
Are people more likely to search in singular or plural? Will they type in first-person verbs (i.e. buy) or verb participles (i.e. buying)? Do they tend to put nouns in front of adjectives and verbs, or verbs in front of nouns and adjectives? Will people search in full sentences or by single words? To find the best keywords for a website it's important to know exactly what people are typing into the search engines. This is the study of keyword phraseology.
A common beginners misconception is that search engines will provide the same results for similar keyword phrases such as: "buy online roses" and" buy roses online." This is absolutely not true. In fact, if you go to
Google or Yahoo and try these two searches, you will see that the results are quite different. Obviously, as you build your online marketing campaign it would benefit you to know which term is searched for more.
Part of a good keyword analysis is to carefully determine the exact variations of keywords that are most beneficial to your site.

Keyword Popularity
Keyword Popularity refers to how often a keyword or phrase is searched for. Although certainly important, beginning search engine optimizers often put too much weight on this factor during keyword analysis. Targetedness of a keyword is much more important in keyword selection for almost all industries.
There are several tools that can help you determine a keyword's popularity. The Google and Overture tools are the most popular free tools, and are included on our SEO resources web page.
Espotting also has a free tool to determine keyword popularity. All of these resources test only a limited section of searches on the Internet to determine their keyword popularities. They also ignore word order and the difference between plural and singular words in their listings. Anyone serious about keyword analysis will subscribe to WordTracker. WordTracker is not free, but is, predictably, much more accurate than the free services.


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